Here is the 2nd Amendment, it’s pretty short. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Most gun owners I have talked to usually leave off the first part and invoke the 2nd Amendment as a “right to defend oneself” which is not the case. But that is understandable. Who wants to put in the work of joining a militia these days… all those meetings. But the well researched and educated gun owners I talk to also are missing the point. Taking it one step back, the intent of the 2nd Amendment is to allow the citizenry to be a check on the other branches of government. In 1791, that check meant arming the citizens with rifles and muskets. Those were the effective tools of the revolution back then. But since we started rolling tanks, bombers, and aircraft carries off the assembly lines, the citizens ability to match power with our potentially “tyrannical” government is nil. With a literal reading of the 2nd Amendment, it’s clear it has lost it’s teeth. But “arms” can mean many things. Today, in 2012 we have much more effective weapons against our government. The internet. In 2012 our government tried to pass some “tyrannical” legislation in SOPA and PIPA. Did the government listen to us because we have fully loaded assault rifles? No. It was because the citizenry used the internet to lobby and shame the government, and it worked. The internet is the greatest “arms” we US citizens have and should the Founding Fathers be around today, I think they would recognize this an opt to protect a free internet over guns, which haven’t been effective tools against our government since the Civil War. And in a twisted irony, gun owners are currently using the internet as their most effective weapon in defending their right to own guns. Think of the power our populace would have if these patriots embraced their greatest weapon and we refused to give up our internet until you pry it from our cold, dead hands. opinionated mom i couldn’t agree more. every American family should save their pennies and buy tanks and rockets to go along with their artillery. their right to bare arms.the Second Amendment served a purpose in the time it was written.. nowadays it really makes no sense. the average American has no real need/or/purpose to own guns. of course their are exceptions to every rule.. but why should the suburban Father of 5, need weapons that can cause such destruction, death, living in his bungalow safe and sound?Not only are the gun laws of the US lacking, they leave something to the imagination. i don’t think the forefathers had the current state of American’s ‘right to bare arms’ in mind, when they wrote the second Amendment of the Constitution.great post Jess! alexWhat about personal nuclear arsenal. Hell if they have tanks you want something better. Pingback: The 2nd Amendment should protect the Internet, not your AK47 | My Daily Feeds Rational OptimistWholeheartedly agree that the pen is mightier than the sword.But consider Warren vs District of Columbia or Castle Rock vs Gonzalez. It’s pretty clear that state and federal judiciary bodies have ruled that the onus of self-protection lies with the individual, and not the policeSo although I agree that an AK-47 won’t do much against a tank, I’d argue that your suburban father of 5 has the right to protect his family how he sees fit, to include owning a pistol or rifle should he so choose. Jess BachmanI agree as well, with the caveat of proper licensing, training, and background checks. Untrained and uneducated gun owners REDUCE the safety of their families and those around them. We require as much for vehicles, also highly lethal. Hell you even need insurance to drive a car. Tim ThomasThat was a pretty bad decision, but it’s a good reason for gun control advocates to work on rolling back the 2nd amendment completely as the 28th amendment to the constitution. Then we can hash out actual gun control through the legislative process. Realistically having your constitution talk about any technology (guns or otherwise) is a pretty bad idea since you’re making an absolute law about a fast moving target. opinionated mom my suburban Father of 5, does not take shooting lessons, has no idea how to properly clean his gun, and only bought the gun, when he got his new security system as a last resort, should his pretty bungalow be broken’s after midnight, he and his wife downed a bottle of merlot with dinner..he’s still feeling a little drunk.. but..someone just broke into his house and he thinks, is trying to steal his big screen tv.the security system fails and he loads his weapon.he runs down the stairs pistol blazing and…shoots his teenaged son in the face, it’s dark, he couldn’t see, he thought it was a robber… his son’s supposed to be in bed.when he realizes what he’s done, he shoots himself.should my suburban Father of 5 had that gun in his possession?the US needs better gun laws. mental evaluation’s on anyone owning a gun, military or otherwise. and some type of policy that is against the purchase of semi-automatic weapons..Pennsylvania the week after Sandy Hook.. Robert Bales in the suburban Father of 5.. all prime examples as to “why” they need such. opinionated mom or let’s try another scenario:suburban father of 5, does NOT lock his gun away. But takes it out to show his ‘friends’ on Sunday when they come to watch the football game and eat his wives homemade cheese dip. His ‘friends’ think it’s “sooo cool” and “badass”.. his 5 year old son, see’s the men in the house excited by the weapon in his Father’s possession.. when the men turn their attention back to the game.. the 5 year old takes the gun and runs to his room with it. in his room, are his Father’ friends children.. they’re playing Call of Duty with